Today’s AAA National Average $3.607

Price as of 5/15/24

Search: "South Dakota"

National Average Holds Steady Post-Memorial Day

May 28,2020

Since Monday, the national average for a gallon of regular gasoline has held steady at $1.96, which is four cents higher than a week ago, 20 cents more than a month ago and 86 cents less than a year ago. According to new data from…Read more »

Demand Destruction Reigns Supreme as Pump Prices Push Cheaper

April 13,2020

No Immediate Impact to Pump Prices Expected with OPEC+ Historic Global Reduction Announcement The national gas price average has steadily declined for seven weeks, pushing the average cheaper by 61-cents to $1.86 today. During this timeframe (since late February), U.S. demand for gasoline has decreased…Read more »